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| موضوع: Adobe Photoshop CS8 Portable الثلاثاء 18 مارس - 22:36 | |
| يحتوي البرنامج على عدد من المميزات الجديدة والمحسنة ومنها - تحسين خواص استخدام متصفح الملفات File Browser - إمكانية تخصيص اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح Shortcuts - إمكانية متابعة تاريخ الملف وما تم تنفيذه من خطوات والوقت المستهلك في عمل التعديلات - يمكن تنفيذ الفلاتر على الصورة بطريقة أكفأ باستخدام الأمر الجديد Filter / Filter Gallery الذي يتيح معاينة نتيجة الفلتر قبل تنفيذه كما يتيح تنفيذ أكثر من فلتر في آن واحد - إمكانية التصدير كملفات SWF التي يتم تشغيلها داخل برنامج Flash - إمكانية تصدير الطبقات المختلفة في ملف الفوتوشوب كملفات منفصلة - إمكانية اتباع النص Text لمسار معين أو ما يسمى Attaching text to paths - إمكانية إرسال الصور للطباعة في مكان آخر عبر الإنترنت أو إلى مراكز خدمات، وذلك من خلال خاصية Online Services Photoshop in its early versions worked in a space (bitmap) composed of a single layer, where you could apply a range of effects , text, trademarks and treatments. Somehow had much resemblance to traditional enlargers . At present it does with multiple layers. As it has evolved, including the software has several key improvements, such as the incorporation of a multilayer space work, including vector elements , advanced color management ( ICM / ICC ) , font extensive treatment , control and retouching color, creative effects , plugins possibility of incorporating third party companies, web export parasitios among others. Photoshop has become almost from its inception in the de facto standard in photo editing , but is also used extensively in many disciplines in the field of design and photography, and web design, composition bitmap images , digital styling, typesetting , editing video and graphics and basically any activity that requires the processing of digital images. Photoshop is no longer just a tool used by designers, to become a tool widely used by professional photographers around the world who use it to make the process of retouching and digital edition , having already passed through a laboratory rather than for printing the material. With the rise of digital photography in recent years , Photoshop has been becoming increasingly popular outside the professional fields and is perhaps , along with Windows and Flash ( Adobe Systems also ) one of the programs that is more familiar ( to least in name ) to people who start using it [citation needed] , especially in the version Photoshop Elements, for home photo retouching . Although the main purpose of Photoshop is photo editing , it can also be used to create images , effects, graphics and very good quality. Although for certain jobs requiring the use of vector graphics is better to use Adobe Illustrator. Alternatives to this program , there are some free programs comoGIMP -oriented photo editing in general or proprietary as Corel PhotoPaint , able to work with any feature of Photoshop files , and also with their plugin filters . Photoshop was created in 1990 , supports many image file types such as BMP , JPG , PNG , GIF, among others, and has own image formats . Supported by Photoshop formats are: PSD , PDD : Standard format with Photoshop layer support . PostScript is not exactly a format , but a page description language . It is commonly found in PostScript ********s . Drawing primitives used for editing. EPS : a cover version of PostScript , is used to place images in a ********. It supports vector and desktop publishing programs. DCS was created by Quark ( desktop publishing software company ) and can store typography, frames , etc. . Used to filming in desktop publishing. Prev EPS TIFF : Displays EPS files that will not open in Photoshop , such as QuarkXPress . BMP : Windows standard format . GIF : widely used for web . To store an alpha channel transparency to give it , and save it as interlaced so that the load on the web do it in several steps. Supports up to 256 colors. JPEG: also widely used on the web, very high compression factor and good image quality . TIFF : a solution created to move from PC to Mac and vice versa. PICT : from MAC platforms is exported to desktop publishing programs such as QuarkXPress. PNG: the same use that GIF, but with higher quality. Supports transparency and colors to 24 bits. Only recent versions of browsers can support them. PDF : Acrobat formatted . Allows storing vector and bitmap. ICO : used to represent files , folders, programs , storage units, etc. . IFF : used to exchange data with Amiga. PCX: PC format only . Allows colors at 1, 4 , 8 and 24 bits. RAW : standard format for any platform or graphics program. TGA : support teams Truevision Graphics Card . Scitex CT : format used for professional-quality ********s . Filmstrip : used to make animations . You can also import or export to Premiere. FlashPix : Kodak native format to quickly open superior images . JPEG2000 : Like JPEG , it is new compression format that increases the image quality للتحميل من عضويه بريميوم من Megauplaod
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